
90) World cancer Day

February 4th. Today is World cancer Day. In fact, it falls on February 4th every year. From https://www.worldcancerday.org:

Each year on 4 February, World Cancer Day empowers all of us across the world to show support, raise our collective voice, take personal action and press our governments to do more. World Cancer Day is the only day on the global health calendar where we can all unite and rally under the one banner of cancer in a positive and inspiring way.

This year’s theme is #IAmAndIWill. It’s a theme of empowerment to reduce the impact of cancer for yourself, loved ones, and the world.

They have a create feature where you can make a customized poster to share on social media. https://www.worldcancerday.org/custom-poster

I’ve seen World cancer Day mentioned quite a bit today, on both Facebook, and Twitter. That’s good, it seems like the message is getting out.

I did however, see one post which felt like a punch to the sternum:

SickKids Hospital tweeted the above message earlier this afternoon. I quickly noticed the dates mentioned in the tweet, and had a couple of minutes where I broke down, and almost lost it. E’s diagnosis date was July 22nd, 2017. I felt as though a heavy weight had been dropped on top of me. It took me until the Interim Maintenance II phase to grasp the reality, severity, and the seriousness of what had happened to our family. But today. Today was the first time that I had ever really thought of my son as a statistic. I’m not angry, or upset, nor do I feel dehumanized or reduced to just a number in any way. I just feel an overarching sadness that our little E is but one tick of 130 leukemia diagnoses at SickKids from April 2017 to March 2018. And behind all of those other numbers are families whose lives have been shattered and upended by just about the worst thing that can happen to your child.

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