
120) Oh, you mean people like my son?

Coronavirus. It’s here in the GTA, specifically Toronto. It was only a matter of when, not if. At least that’s my opinion.

I believe there is quite a bit of trepidation over this amongst the general populous. For me (and likely for other parents of children with cancer), this brings up more than just concern. To be honest, I’m feeling quite a bit of angst, worry, and dread. Our kids are immunosuppressed, and aren’t able to fight off germs the way a healthy person can. I do realize they’re saying the likelihood of infection is low, but it’s

The other morning, before it was confirmed that a patient in Toronto had tested positive for coronavirus, I was listening to the radio while driving to work. The news came on, and the top story was, of course, the viral outbreak. I think that was the morning that a patient in Chicago was confirmed as infected. The announcer was stating the facts so far and spoke to the audience saying “there’s cause for concern, but there’s no need to panic. In almost all of the cases that had resulted in loss of life, the patient had been old, had an underlying health condition, or was immunosuppressed”.

Oh, you mean people like my son? Thanks, you just made me feel worse.

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