
117) Good news, everyone!

We survived the weekend. I think my wife and kept an extra-watchful eye on E, checking for new bruises, whether old ones were fading, checking his temperature, and mulling over his energy levels.

He didn’t run a fever at all over the weekend, and we noticed only a couple of new bruises pop up. A few of the pre-existing bruises on his legs began to shrink, and lighten up. As well, the purple circles under his eyes stopped looking so dark, and large. As for his energy, he is still tired, but he spent a good chunk of the weekend playing, chasing & fighting with his brother, so he was a bit more back to his usual self.

Today was the trip into our satellite clinic for bloodwork. We had to put an EMLA patch on him this morning. Today, E’s port was accessed to take blood in case his levels had gone down. He was left accessed from after the blood was taken until we received the results in case he needed a transfusion.

The lab must have taken about 2 hours to get the results back to us, and I was starting to panic, thinking that something might have been wrong, or that they found something, but no, they were just slow today. Both his hemoglobin, and platelet counts are up, and his white cell counts (including neutrophils) are at a good level. Despite being up, his hemoglobin & platelets aren’t where they should be, but there’s a current upward trend. We’re still on a chemo hold from the oncology team at SickKids, and we’ll be there in a couple of days for E’s bone marrow aspirate.

So, good news for now...we just need to keep holding our breaths, and treading water until he receives the full checkup at SickKids.

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