
62) cancerversary

Last Sunday, July 22nd 2018 was E's one year cancerversary. In my previous post, I had stated we had wanted to do something to take back the awfulness of that day. We had decided on a family BBQ at my in-laws' house. The weather forecast for the weekend looked a bit sketchy, but we were hoping for the best. In an act bordering somewhere between pathetic fallacy, and deliberate sabotage, we awoke to find that the weather was not co-operating, and we were in for a day of rain. We postponed the BBQ, but still ended up going to my in-laws' house for dinner just to get ourselves away from the same four walls. It wasn't quite the celebratory day I had hoped for, but it also wasn't a "sit-around-and-feel-mopey" day either. I was still thinking about diagnosis day, verbally noting a few specific times, such as when we received the phone call that would forever change our lives, and when we received the news from the SickKids ER staff. I think I drove my wife a little batty with my observations, so sorry babe if you're reading this.

I also made a post to Facebook about the day, and I'm going to put it here for posterity's sake:

Today, on the one year anniversary of his leukemia diagnosis, we celebrate this little superhero for enduring countless amounts of blood work, needles, hospital visits, appointments, chemotherapy, and more. His hair has grown back enough that we took him to get it cut yesterday. He's such a strong, happy, smiley little guy, and even though it's a long process, we will ring that bell! #believe #FVCKcancer

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