
53) When will it be Spring? (At long last)

Flurries, and blowing snow looking south toward Lake Ontario - April 17, 2018.

Flurries, and blowing snow looking north - April 17, 2018.

Book found in Pediatrics with quite the poignant title

On Tuesday April 17th, we were at our satellite hospital in Scarborough for bloodwork. A bit of snow blew in while we were waiting for results, and we happened to find a children's book with a title that fit the current weather: "When will it be Spring?"

E has been fighting a cold for the past 10 days or so. No cough, but his nose has been running like a tap. I fully expected that the results would find him neutropenic, meaning our trip to SickKids would be bumped. Surprisingly, and happily, I ended up being wrong with my prediction. Everything came back fine, and all counts were within the normal range. We'd be off to SickKids the next day for a lumbar puncture and chemo. E's frontline leukemia treatment was now complete, and at long last, he'd be starting Maintenance!

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