
10) Bathtime

I have a couple of other posts half-written in my head. I know what I want to say, but they're more about things that happened earlier on, or are more technical in terms of informational content. Lately, I've been thinking a bit more about the here and now, and I've been less inclined to write about the other older things.

Tonight was the first night in a little over 6 weeks that E didn't scream his head off in the bath.

E was always a little guy who loved the bath. He would splash, or play with his bath toys, or just enjoy the warm water.

Something changed after his leukemia diagnosis, and those 9 days in the hospital. I'm not sure whether it was being poked and prodded by needles and nurses, or whether the chemotherapy made his little bum burn, and the bathwater exacerbated the pain. All I know is that after we brought him home from SickKids, he wasn't our little E who loved the water anymore.

Tonight, he was back to his happy, smiling, splashing little self, and it was wonderful to see that side of him again.

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